ARC Software Development Team

The ARC Software Development Team (ARCsoft) operates within Research Computing Services at the University of Victoria. We are a small team assisting UVic researchers with their needs for research software. Read more about us, meet our team or visit some of our latest news, below.

Current projects

GLOBE. A multinational collaboration spanning multiple institutions surveying cultural, leadership and trust norms and practices

ZooDB. A view into decades of zooarchaeological research surveying animal bone deposits at sites around British Columbia

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Recent logs

Getting Setup in Visual Studio Code (Lee Napthine). In which the development environment used for Visual Studio Code is described

Project versioning and tagging (Drew Leske). In which Drew summarizes our current approach to project versioning and tagging

Use Terraform to deploy Helm charts (Archie To). In which Archie describes how Helm charts can be deployed with Terraform

Using syntax trees in Python (Bhavy Rai). In which Bhavy discusses the usage of syntax trees, abstract and concrete, in Python.

Introduction to Terraform (Archie To). In which Archie introduces Terraform and how to use Terraform to deploy a simple postgreSQL database

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Recent docs

Issue and merge request workflows.

Co-Op Documentation.

Releases and versioning.

Software Development Guidelines. Basic principles of software collaboration and some practical advice

tmux Cheatsheet.

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