ARC Software Development Team

The ARC Software Development Team (ARCsoft) operates within Research Computing Services at the University of Victoria. We are a small team assisting UVic researchers with their needs for research software. Read more about us, meet our team or visit some of our latest news, below.

Current projects

GLOBE. A multinational collaboration spanning multiple institutions surveying cultural, leadership and trust norms and practices

ZooDB. A view into decades of zooarchaeological research surveying animal bone deposits at sites around British Columbia

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Recent logs

Building application containers (Drew Leske). In which Drew discusses a problem solved in building application containers

Comparing the use of our web development tools to more mainstream ones (Bhavy Rai). In which Bhavy compares the differences between the tools we use and more mainstream ones

Generic spreadsheet ingestion (Bhavy Rai).

Introduction to Helm (Archie To). In which Archie introduces Helm - what it is and what the basic components are

Performance analysis of database caching versus in-memory caching (Bhavy Rai). In which Bhavy compares the performance of database caching and in-memory caching solutions, like Redis, for a Django application

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Recent docs

Software Development Guidelines. Basic principles of software collaboration and some practical advice

tmux Cheatsheet.

Co-op First Week Onboarding. Getting started at ARCsoft team within the RCS at UVic

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