Web testing with Selenium

Bhavy Rai

During the lifecycle of any serious software project, there comes a time when you want to ensure whether the product you’ve been so diligently working on actually works as expected or not, and how said product behaves when facing an edge case it’s never experienced. To do so, we can employ a variety of different testing methodologies, each suited for a certain product or application.

For front-facing user applications, such as ZooDB that utilize the Django Python framework, unit testing is necessary, but not entirely sufficient on its own, as the backend application code is rigorously tested, but the same TLC is not given to the frontend. To address that, we can employ numerous web testing libraries that allow us to poke at the user interface. One in particular that we’ll be talking about is… Selenium!

Selenium? Like the element?

Close! But not quite. As stated directly on their website, Selenium is:

“… an umbrella project for a range of tools and libraries that enable and support the automation of web browsers”

And at its core it’s exactly that, a tool, or range of tools per se, that allows us to directly interact with the front-matter elements of a website. You may be thinking to yourself “ok, cool, but like… how does it allow us to do that?” and that is a great thought to have, especially this early on. However, I can’t quite tell you how this all works without mentioning the Document Object Model or DOM as you have probably heard, so… let’s have a quick little aside. I promise I won’t ramble.

What is the DOM?

Simply put, the DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content, and it does so by representing the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

A web page is a document that can be either displayed in the browser window or as the HTML source. In either case, it is the same document, but the DOM representation allows it to be manipulated, through scripting languages such as JavaScript.

Consider the following HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
                "ARC" stands for Advanced Research Computing...
                "soft" stands for software... 

The above HTML file is all fine and dandy to us regular folk, but the DOM is built differently and actually has its own logical representation of the same tree-like branching structure, which is shown below:

html > head > title > body > article > p

As you can see, this is still pretty legible and actually makes intuitive sense the more you look at it. Fundamentally, all the parser is doing is a simplified level-order traversal of the document, where instead of going both top-to-bottom and left-to-right as in a traditional level-order tree traversal, we’re strictly going from parent node to child node, so top-to-bottom; now, this is a gross generalization of how the DOM is actually functioning, but for illustrative purposes, this is sufficient.

The cool part comes with using a language such as JavaScript to directly interact with the DOM. For example, using the same HTML file outlined above, we can get all the <p>, or paragraph, tags by using the built-in querySelectorAll() method as such:

const pTags = document.querySelectorAll("p");

With this, we can access certain properties of a specific <p> tag by using array indexing and built-in class methods. For example, we can get the text of the first <p> tag by doing the following:

const firstPTag = pTags[0]; // To get the second <p> tag, simply pass in '1'
instead of '0'
const firstPTagText = firstPTag.innerHTML;

Now let’s get back to how Selenium ties in with this entire fiasco.

Manipulating the DOM with Selenium

With Selenium, we have access to three components of the DOM, namely the:

  1. Document,
  2. Window, and
  3. Element

But for all intents and purposes, we’ll stick to talking about the element and document components in this blog post, as you’ll be mainly testing against their state; however, there will be cases where you’ll have to chain the window component together with the document to retrieve element information… yucky! This is especially the case when having to scroll to certain positions of the website to get an element, but thankfully, this can be mitigated by using static HTML scraping tools like Beautiful Soup for Python, in addition to Selenium, though that’s a topic for another blog post. Hopefully, you won’t have to do much of that anytime soon!

Let’s get back to how we manipulate the DOM with Selenium. Selenium uses what they call the “WebDriver,” which aptly does what it sounds like: drives a web browser. It drives Chrome, Firefox, Edge, you name it, like a user does, allowing for total browser automation.

Selenium testing follows a predictable pattern, in that we follow a certain execution order to achieve our end goal of retrieving or manipulating some property of an element. We can break it down into these steps:

  1. Initialize the browser web driver.
  2. Pass a URL as a parameter to the web driver.
  3. Find an element using the web driver.
  4. Take action on the element by calling built-in functions.
  5. End the web driver session by calling either quit() or close().

close() closes only the current window on which Selenium is running. The web driver session, however, remains active. On the other hand, the quit() method closes all browser windows and ends the web driver session.

Note: depending on the complexity of your test case, you may choose to employ waiting strategies, browser caching, credential authentication, or something else entirely.

Programatically interacting with the DOM

Using Python, the steps outlined above look more like the following:

  1. Initializing the web driver with Chrome:
driver = webdriver.Chrome() # This assumes that a valid webdriver is installed
  1. Retrieving a particular URL, in this case, the ARCsoft website:
  1. Finding an element on the site, in this case, the header text, using the <h1> tag as the selector:
header = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "h1")
  1. Taking action on the header by printing out its inner HTML text:
text = head.text
print(text) # Output is: ARC Software Development Team
  1. Ending the web driver session by quitting:

Although this example is basic, it paints an example of how this could be scaled up to accommodate a website with vastly more complexity, such as ZooDB. Remember that section explaining how the DOM parses an HTML? Well, we can utilize that syntax to our advantage by retrieving a certain element. For example, the following JavaScript code, more or less, is used within ZooDB to find a particular <i>, or italicized, tag:

let currentNumber = document.querySelector("#table-container > i");

Note: the usage of the > operator, which indicates to the DOM parser to start at the element with an id of table-container, treat it as the parent element, and find the <i> tag, which is represented as the only child, or relativistically speaking, is the first element from the top of the starting position in the table-container.

While this approach is valid in JavaScript, another approach is to use something called the XPath, or XML Path, which is language-agnostic–assuming that Selenium supports it. It encompasses the same sort of logic, but in a slightly different syntax. For example, instead of using #table-container > i, we would instead use the following:

let currentNumber = document.querySelector("/html/body/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[8]/div[1]/i");

I won’t get into the nitty-gritty of the XPath structure, but it is something to be cognizant of, and is another weapon in your arsenal of finding DOM elements.

Finding an element

You now may be wondering: “Ok, again, cool, but how do I find an element?” Well, the easiest way to find the path to a particular element is to use the “Inspect” feature present in almost every respectable browser. You can bring up the dialogue by simply right-clicking on a page source and selecting the “Inspect” option.

Now, there is a lot going on when the dialogue first pops up, but don’t worry about 90% of the stuff in there for now, just click on the “Elements” tab. There you’ll be able to see the entire page source as is rendered on your browser. Hovering over a line in the HTML source will highlight that particular view on the website you’re visiting, and you can also select the cursor icon to click on an element in the rendered HTML and have it highlighted in the HTML source, pretty cool, right? From there, once you find the element you’re interested in, right-click on the line in the HTML source that contains that element.

A new dialogue will appear, again ignore 90% for now, and click on the “Copy” option, you now have several options appear:

  1. Copy element
  2. Copy selector
  3. Copy JS path
  4. Copy styles
  5. Copy XPath
  6. Copy full XPath

Note: not all web browswers will give you the same options. For example, Chrome and Firefox will show you all these selectors, but Edge will only give you a subset. As for Safari–who uses Safari?

Most of these you won’t need to use, but the ones of interest are the Copy JS path and the two options containing the XPath. The Copy JS path option refers to the example shown earlier of how the DOM parses your HTML, the Copy XPath refers to the relative location of the element, whereas Copy full XPath refers to the absolute path starting from the body of the HTML source. For the most part, you want to use the Copy styles selector as little as possible, as any change in the styling of that element will cause your identifier to no longer be relevant and will cause Selenium to complain.

Difference between XPaths referencing the same element, in this case, the first <p> tag on the ARCsoft website, under the “Recent logs” header:

  • XPath: //*[@id="logs"]/p[1]
  • Full XPath: /html/body/div[2]/section/main/div/div[2]/p[1]

Final remarks

Although this was quite the brief introduction, we managed to cover the necessities, namely: what Selenium is, what the DOM is and how it works, as well as how we can manipulate the DOM, by finding elements using Selenium and Python. I hope this was enough for you to get started… happy testing!
